Yana Sakovskaya
Japanologist (language, history, culture),
phychologist, musician, writer.

Japanese-English-Russian translator and interpreter in the Carribean.

Located in Montego Bay, Jamaica

Active work permit

Key competencies
A unique mix of competencies that I would love to share with the Carribean region.
Competence One:
Japanologist and Project Manager
16 years of experience
Teaching from beginner level to JLPT 1
Author of the course "Japanese for creative hearts"
Apperared in a series of TV shows as an expert in Japanese history and Culture
Regularily works as a guide in Japan for tourist groups with Velo.Travel (cycling tours around the world)

Designed immersive experiences for dance performers: understanding Japanese outlook and aesthetics through body and movement

Lecturer: various lectures on Japanese poetry, mentality, history, culture and the fullest lecture on Sakamoto Ryoma in Russian
Experienced Translator and Interpreter
Translated a book "Love letters at 60" (六十歳のラブレター) into Russian

Worked as a translator/interpreter and training manager at Senju Pharmaceuticals (Japanese pharmaceutical company)

Translated numerous documents: medical, legal, technical, general - Japanese, English, Russian.

Worked as a clients project manager at Center for Creative Leadership (international company for leadership education) and delivered projects at international top business level with NPS = 100

Manages the online language school "Japanese for creative hearts" with an original course and international students

Competence Two:
Active Practitioner
Education: Bachelor of psychology, 2010. Graduated with honors.

Psychological practice since 2015:
main sphere of interest - helping clients with dealing with inner obstacles on their way to self-actualization.
Confident in helping the client to heal childhood traumas, perinatal traumas, family line traumas, past lives traumas etc.

In 2023 was invited as a guest lecturer to give a methodological lecture to phychology students: to share some know-hows.
Psychology x Japanology
Has conducted self-discovery courses for women groups based on Japanese language and culture.

Designed immersive experiences for dance performers: understanding Japanese outlook and aesthetics through body and movement.
Loves organizing space and experience in such a way that a person will experience and deeply understand something about Japan without actually going to Japan.

Designed a "dappan" psychological-spiritual practice based on a historical phenomenon. "Dappan" is a transitional ritual of self-initialization and stepping towards new horizons.

Is immensely interested in how Japanese language and culture can help Western people on the way of self-actualization, spiritual growth and creative search.
Motto as a therapist:
never cut what you can untie.
Competence Three:
Musician, Singer-Songwriter
Guitar & Piano Player
Graduated from the "Accord" Jazz Studio
Studied at Moscow College of Improvisational Music (guitar)

Toured with the band "Korni Ozer" as a solo-guitarist.

Writes songs in Russian, Japanese and Mandinka Language. New songs will be in English.

Plays guitar, piano, sings in a low mezzo-soprano register.

In 2018 released a song dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Meiji Restoration and was featured in the Japanese media (see the video below).
Songs of Wondrous Action
Yana's concerts are immersive musical performances where the performes and the listeners use music as a wondrous medium to send the message of love, to heal, to pray.

In Russia Yana was a regular guest performer at the Community of Acoustic Rock Performers and gave regular solo concerts.
Yana has repertoire for a 2-hour concert.
Competence Four:
Writer, Translator
Yana has been writing fiction since 7 years old.
During school years Yana wrote a mystery novel "The Serpent Island" and Yana's poetry was featured in the local newspaper.

In 2014-2015 Yana managed the crowdfunding project for th translation of the Japanese book "Love Letters at Sixty" which she translated herself.

In 2017 Yana started writing fantasy adventure stories that she eventually compiled into the "Hand in Hand" series.
"Hand in Hand" series
In 2018 Yana published the first book in "Hand in Hand" series (Russian):

a fantasy series of short stories and novels about the adventures of two friends, Amris and Kan-Gior, in different worlds.
The characters set out on missions to investigate mysterious events, face and fix climate disruptions, retrieve lost artifacts, heal experience from past lives, enjoy the adventure and laugh a lot.

The second book in the series is scheduled for 2023.
Work experience
Since 2007 till now
Japanology enthusiast:
language teacher and creative course deleveper,
culture and history lecturer (featuring in TV shows),
immersive experience designer, guide in Japan.
Made numerous translations,
in 2019 worked at Senju Pharmaceuticals as a translator and training program coordinator.
Since 2015 till now
regular psychological practice with international clients
Designed and conducted courses for psychological understanding of Japanese culture and self-discovery courses for women using bits of Japanese culture.
Served as a lecturer for psychology student groups.
Since 2020
Project management:
Projects with Center for Creative Leadership at international top business level (2019-2020),
general management of an online language school.

My superpower: meet the deadline and keep good relationships with everyone involved:)
Higher School of Economics
Bachelor of Psychology
Institute of Applied Oriental Studies
Bachelor of Oriental Studies: Japanese History and Culture
Moscow State University
Master course: Japanese History and Culture.
(attended all the courses but did not write the thesis, therefore no diploma but a certificate)
Projects that I would love serve at:
  • — Business projects: anything related to Japan - you can count on me; I'd love to deepen the connections between Japan and the Carribean;
    — Educational projects: my whole career I manage, develop and deliver educational courses for children and adults, at school level, at university level and at top business level.
    — Creative projects: I am a singer-songwriter (featured in Japanese media), fiction writer, I recorded an audio book, participated in art objects creation etc. I'd love to do more.
    — Tourism: with the complany "Velo.Travel" I developed a cycling tour from Hiroshima to Osaka and delivered that tour as a guide twice. The company preferred not to hire a local guide, but to pay for my tickets and bring me to Japan. I adore guiding people in their Japan experience and I am eager to do more.
    — Psychology: I'm an experienced psychologist and I can develop and conduct programs for self-development and healing, also I can teach beginner psychologists how to do therapy.

    — I'm based in Montego Bay (Jamaica) and I'm open to business trips and relocation offers. Many things I can do online.
    — I have an active work permit.
Yana was born in Moscow, Russia. At 14, when she started learning Japanese, she already knew that she would be a japanologist and a psychologist, a musician and a writer. And now she is.

She studied at elite Higher School of Economics (bachelor of psychology, graduated with honors) and the Institute of Applied Oriental Studies (bachelor of oriental studies, graduated with honors). Yana received a recommendation to the Moscow State University for a master course in Japanese History and studied there for 2 years.

Yana always manages several projects at once:
while studying psychology, she was already teaching Japanese,
while getting her Oriental Studies diploma, she was managing a book publishing crowdfunding project,
when working full-time, she also wrote fiction and music,
while managing an online school, she keeps her psychological practice.

Hobbies: learning West African mandinka language, sutra copying (calligraphy), taking pictures of light and leaves, learning about plants and taking care of them, being a model for creative photography.
Contact Yana:
+1 876 854 08 39 (WhatsApp available)
Montego Bay, Jamaica